Trip It – Switzerland has it all: stunning mountains, clean air, picture-like lakes and peaceful villages โ making this country truly like a fairy tale! If there is one world tourist destination that must be visited at least once in your life, Switzerland is certainly the answer. And if you are one of the lucky ones who get the opportunity to vacation in Switzerland, you shouldn’t miss the tourist attractions in Switzerland on this list!
10 best tourist attractions in Switzerland
1. Jungfrau Mountain
Mentioningย Jungfraujoch ย at the top of the list of tourist attractions in Switzerland is mandatory. Nicknamedย the Top of Europeย , Jungfraujoch is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Switzerland, flanked by two mountains –ย Jungfrauย andย Monch – and has the highest train station in the world.
Take the panoramic train up here โ the views along the way are one of the things you shouldn’t miss on holiday to Switzerland! At its peak, there are various attractions waiting for you: from the charming Ice Palace, hiking through glaciers or enjoying a meal on a mountain top with beautiful views โ you can do it all here!
2. Lucerne
If you could only choose one city as your destination in Switzerland,ย Lucerne ย would be the answer. This beautiful city is the true definition of a beautiful Swiss city, decorated with Lake Lucerne in the middle decorated with mountains and old buildings in the background.
One day is not enough to explore this city, because there are many tourist attractions that you can visit: from popular landmarks such as Chapel Bridge ย andย the Lion Monument , to beautiful old churches and peaceful lake front areas.
If you have a lot of time, we also highly recommend you try a trip to the topย of Mount Pilatus . From the top, you can see beautiful views of the city of Lucerne and the mountainous landscape that surrounds it!
3. Lauterbrunnen
Lauterbrunnen Valley ย is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland. Perched in one of the valleys of the Swiss Alps, this pretty Swiss village is surrounded by rocky cliffs and 72 (!!!) beautiful waterfalls, including theย famous Trรผmmelbach Falls ย andย Staubbach Falls. Whatever season you visit this village, there are lots of things you can do here: touring the waterfall, hiking, skiing, or even paragliding through the air!
4. Interlaken
Interlakenย adalah sebuah kota yang berdiri di antara dua buah danau besar:ย Lake Brienzย danย Lake Thun, dengan pemandangan seperti di wallpaper laptop atau di kartu pos yang indah. Dikelilingi oleh danau dengan air yang biru jernih dan pegunungan alpen, kota ini adalah surga bagi para pencinta aktivitas alam. Salah satu aktivitas yang harus kamu coba adalahย naik paralayangย melihat pemandangan Interlaken dari udara dengan latar belakang danau-danau dan pegunungan yang luar biasa, benar-benar pengalaman yang menakjubkan!
5. The Matterhorn
The Matterhornย dan puncaknya yang ikonik (lancip seperti anak panah!) adalah salah satu titik tertinggi pegunungan Alpen, dan merupakan gunung yang paling banyak difoto di Swiss. Gak salah sih, gunung ini memang terkenal karena muncul di kemasan coklat Toblerone yang legendaris!
Kami suka mengunjunginya di musim semi untuk trekking ke atas, namun jika kamu bukan pencinta alam yang suka mengeksplor alam, kamu juga bisa mengunjungi desaย Zermattย yang ada di kakinya. Menaiki kereta gantung dari Zermatt ke Breuil-Cervinia yang sudah masuk area negara Italia juga merupakan salah satu hal seru yang bisa kamu lakukan di sini!
6. Lake Geneva
Di negara yang penuh dengan danau-danau indah, rasanya tidak ada yang lebih impresif daripada Lake Geneva. Danau ini adalah salah satu yang terbesar di Eropa dan memiliki pemandangan indah dengan pegunungan Alpen Swiss sebagai latar belakangnya, dengan bayangan yang terpantul di atas permukaan danau yang tenang!
Kamu bisa menikmati pemandangan indah danau ini dari kotaย Jenewa (Geneva)ย yang berdiri di sisi barat danau atauย Montreuxย yang berlokasi di sisi timur danau. Di Jenewa, kamu bisa melihat juga air mancurย Jet dโEauย yang populer, yang memancarkan air hingga setinggi 140 meter ke atas danau. Sementara di Montreux, kamu bisa melihat istana abad pertengahan,ย Chateau de Chillon, yang berdiri megah di sisi danau.
7. Rhine Falls
Walaupun kamu bukan seseorang yang akan memilih mengeksplor banyak air terjun sebagai aktivitas liburanmu, namun menyempatkan diri keย Rhine Falls (Rheinfall)ย adalah hal yang wajib kamu lakukan! Memiliki lebar sampai 130 meter dan dengan ketinggian 25 meter, kamu bisa menikmati pemandangan spektakuler air terjun ini dari beberapa area pemantauan yang tersedia. Jika kamu suka tantangan, kenapa tidak coba saja menyewa kano dan mengarungi air ke arah air terjun ini! Di bulan Agustus, diselenggarakan pertunjukkan kembang api di Hari Nasional Swiss di area ini, membuatnya menjadi salah satu spot perayaan paling populer di Swiss.
8. Bern
Looking for tourist attractions in Switzerland that are rich in history but still have beautiful nature? Bern ย has both! Get your camera ready as you tourย Bern’s Old Town , a UNESCO World Heritage Site that will impress all its visitors. Featuring traditional stone houses, impressive old alleys, rose gardens and its impressive Clock Tower, Bern is a city straight out of a fairy tale! Oh, did you know that Bern is also called the ice cream capital of Switzerland?
9. Lake Lugano
Hop aboard a yacht on Lake Lugano, a beautiful lake located on the Swiss-Italian border in Lugano, Ticino. Dubbed the Monte Carlo of Switzerland, this lakeside city is famous for its Mediterranean-style landscape, art deco buildings and as a vacation spot for Hollywood stars. There is no better way to explore this area than enjoying a tour around the lake by boat or by taking a walk along the lake.
10. Zurich
We can’t make a list of must-visit tourist attractions in Switzerland without mentioningย Zurich . The city is renowned as the cultural and economic center of Switzerland, and also as the largest city in the country! Boasting architecturally beautiful buildings, rich history, and streets with the most glamorous shops in the world, this city is a must-visit. If you want to get out of the city a little, Lake Zurich has exciting hiking trails to explore.
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